中國首例 OLED 雕塑,由金螳螂文化親力打造。具有 非比尋常的震撼視覺效果。數十片曲面 OLED 屏拼接的環 形,半徑依次擴大,錯落有致。視頻畫面在整體巨幕上播放, 動作、圖像、聲音精確同步,盡顯科技質感。
The first OLED sculpture in China was created by Golden Mantis Culture. It has extraordinary visual effects. Dozens of curved surface OLED screen joints are annular, the radius enlarges in turn, and the scattering is uniform. Video pictures are played on the whole giant screen. Actions, images and sounds are synchronized accurately, showing the scientific and technological texture.
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